Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Church on The Mount

Malawi, Africa September 18th, 2010


Two years ago there was no church on this mountain. Brother Moster Kanyinji new this and new of the need to plant the church in this rural African village, where people have lived and survived for centuries by subsistence farming on the hill sides and valleys. He rode his bicycle from the city of Mzuzu up and down the many miles of hills and valleys carrying his belongings on the back of the bike that he would need for his stay in this rural area.

His first contact was an old African woman, who walked many miles to attend a Catholic church. She so enjoyed their study of God’s word, but was not interested to change her ways for this new found faith that she had found. But she did send him on his way to neighbors and friends who might listen to this man of God.

And listen they did! First an older man, a farmer, who decided to give his life to Jesus. Then the man’s wife decided she needed this new found salvation and she was baptized into Christ. Next was a neighbor of theirs who listened intently and she to accepted this saving message of faith. And then another.

And so it began, with these four rural African people on top of a mountain. The church was begun, the church was planted in the hearts of fertile souls just like the surrounding country side where these simple rural people planted their corn and crops year after year and waited for the harvest.

That first trip to the mountain, only four gave their lives to Christ. But it was a start in seeing God’s people worship on this mountain. Several more trips resulted in others giving their lives to Christ. The church was established, was meeting and God was giving the increase. A young preacher, Brother William Thegba took on the challenge of moving to the mountain to preach and teach for the new church. Now, starting their second year, the church has secured a nice tract of land where they are starting to make bricks for a permanent building. The members have cleared the lot and helped with the bricks and they are moving forward on building before the rains come to this region of Africa.

The days that I visited the mountain, they were hosting a gospel meeting and eight other churches were attending to encourage this new congregation and be encouraged. There were over a hundred that had walked or traveled to be able to see their brethren on the mountain. As we met in the open air on the top of the mountain to worship God, looking out over miles and miles of mountains, valleys, and distant places; I could not help but think how many of these other places need the saving message of Jesus brought to them as well.

The words of Isaiah came to mind; In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many people will come and say, Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in them. Isaiah 2:2-3

But at least here in Matule, on the top of a mountain in Northern Malawi, God’s people are meeting. May God continue to give the increase throughout Malawi.


Malawi, Africa September 17th, 2010


He arises at 2:30 am, makes his daily preparations, and then heads down the path leading to the main road from his village. Even though he is an old man, an older Christian in the village where he preaches, he still longs to learn more from the word of God. So he arises early, starts down the long dusty path that leads to the road to the edge of the city. He will walk for five hours, each way, three days each week just to attend the Kaviwale Teachers Bible Training Center at the edge of Mzuzu in Northern Malawi.

It truly is a walk of faith, as faith comes by hearing the word of God and he still seeks to learn in order to share with others in his rural village. His name is Woolen Manda and he has made this faith walk three times each week for the past year in order to study at the Bible school. Five hours of walking each way, three times each week; thirty hours of walking just to sit and listen to the teaching of the word of God.

Of late he has been joined by another younger Christian man, Benjamin Nkhata; and together they leave in the dark of the African night to make their walk of faith. Often times they will start their long five hour journey home late in the day returning once again to their villages in the dark of night. Mile after mile; day by day, they walk and talk of what they have learned and will be able to share with their fellow Christians in their villages.

But I also saw the joy on their faces as we awarded them their certificates of completion for the past year of their studies. The next year of studies will begin in just a few weeks time and I asked Brother Banda; “Are you going to continue your studies and your long walk to the Bible School this next year?” With broken English he responded: “Of course; I must learn in order to share it with others.” His dedication to the word of God and to the people of Malawi in a remote village where he serves the small church truly will benifit from this man's desire to learn.

Just an old African man’s walk of faith, but what a testimony to all of us of his desire to have greater faith in order to share it with others. Ten hours of walking to learn for just a few hours each day; three times each week he makes this journey of faith. The disciples would say to Jesus; “Lord, increase our faith.” Luke 17:5 My prayer is that each of us would have this kind of determination to grow in our own faith.