Take for instance, the young lady who sat next to me recently on a flight from Brussels back to Chicago. Her name was Carrie, 25 years of age, living in Stockholm, Sweden, but originally from Finland. She was amazing with a very unique story to tell. We talked for at least 8 hours out of a ten hour flight. She grew up in Finland, went to college, dropped out, worked a few years, moved to Stockholm, got a job and was now back in University part time. She had traveled the world in her young age and was on her way to the US, the Caribbean and Central America for a month's holiday.
What impressed me most was her "World View" on life. She was what we might call a New Ager, believing in a greater power, but more in tune with nature and the universe. She had never been in a church in her life. Had never opened a Bible to see what it had to say about her life. She did know a little about God and Jesus, grace and forgiveness, sin and consequences, but had no conviction about any of it. She was more of a "Karma" type thinking that if you do good, you will get good and if you do bad, you will get bad.
The more we talked the more I came to understand the mindset of this generation that no longer want religion and tradition, they just want to do their own thing. We talked about many things including the consequences of what one does with ones life. She admitted that she did need to look into this further and was curious about forgiveness of sin, about grace and mercy that Jesus offers to all. But she is young; she thinks she has plenty of time when she is old to look at these things.
I gave her my card, asked her to look at our website for free Bible lessons. Will she do it? I don't know; but I do know that God put me in that seat next to her to share my faith with her as best I could. He used me to touch her life. I pray that it will make a difference some day.
Let the Lord use you each day to touch a life and make a difference!
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