As we visited with the old man there on his stoop, I noticed the corn cribs, filled to the top with and abundant harvest of corn that would see them through, the old man, his wife, their extended family and relatives.
But what also caught my attention was the orderliness of his labor. Here in this part of Africa with its poverty and lack of resources there is little order to life, things are as they are. But not here, not in this man’s yard, the man’s corn cribs. Here there was definite order! There was pride in a job well done. A bountiful harvest and a thankful farmer who took pride in his labor and in God’s blessings upon his work.
I commented on his orderly work. He smiled; looked somewhat amazed, if not perplexed. His face showed the response the he need not speak with words; “Is this not the way it should be?” Just an old farmer who tilled the soul, worked the ground, planted the seed, nurtured his crop, relying on God to give the increase. An old African man, proud to be just what he was. Just a farmer, relying on the Father for the sun and rain and a harvest.
As I looked at the old man’s face and saw the pride he took in his work, I thought of God’s word. Paul would say; “I planted, Appolos watered, but God gave the increase.” I Corinthians 3:6-7
Christ reminds us in John 4:34 – 38 saying:
“Behold, lift up your eyes, and look at the fields, that they are white unto harvest.”
Oh how we need to grasp that God has called each one of us to be farmer’s, planting - watering - nurturing, so that He may give the increase.
As I looked at that old African farmers face, there was pride; for he knew that he had done his part and he knew that God had caused the increase.
May we also know that we are to do our part in planting the seed of the gospel and that God the Father, will do his part even in our lives in giving the increase.
Galatians 6:9-10 “And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
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